Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Yesterday/last night/wee small hours of today was the Chichester Tweetup, I hope I speak for everyone in saying a good time was had by all.

There was lots of booze, gossiping and a whole heap of laughter - and a little bit of tweeting.
Here's the *roll-call: me (debsa), reg_slim, anconky, emily_nia, spallerina, shinytuppence, elBULLE, elainethomas, BodOfBritain, WH1SKS, Tittch, Str1pes, lizabeckism, roOkin, milo_myage, butterflygrrrl, and of course the guest of honour, the adorable TeenyBella - who drove for 6hrs (from Newcastle) to be there!

I ruddy love Twitter!

*(I hope I haven't forgotten anyone)

See you all - and more of you - at the next one.

Here are the pictures from the Tweetup:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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