Friday, March 10, 2006

Good Night, and Good Luck

Superb movie ... absolutely insist that you ALL see it, with immediate effect!

David Strathairn as the charismatic Edward R Burrows is mesmerising. I must admit to not recalling many of his previous performances, however, he does the character justice, it's just totally believeable and absorbing.

At only 93 minutes long, you almost feel at times like you are going through the news team's experiences in real-time, which only adds to the tension and compelling drama of "outing" Senator McCarthy's anti-communist witchhunts.

Beautifully shot in black and white; footage from the period blends seamlessly within the movie itself.

Triumphant directorial "opus" for George Clooney (as David Puttnam referred to it). Truly deserving of its recent nominations and award wins.

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