Tuesday, June 07, 2005

This week i am mainly reading ...

Longitudes and Attitudes: Exploring the World Before and After September 11 by Thomas Friedman.

Absolutely fascinating book. Written in reportage style so you can easily dip and out of it - even if you only have a minute to spare! it also includes his travels throughout the Middle East and Europe during this time; his commentary isn't clouded by a purely American perspective - not his style. Frieman's writing style is compelling and readable, his honesty is very refreshing, particularly during those uncertain times immediately after 11-Sep-01.

As a young, fledgling journalist Friedman's first published piece was an interview with a heroic Israeli general: Ariel Sharon. Who else could be better placed to write such an important book about 'The Arab Street'???

Read everything written by this man (unfortunaly NYT online charge to view the FULL article), a journalist, first and foremost ... his intelligence and insight are truly unsurpassed.

He still writes for the NY Times: 'real journalists start the day with the Times', said his journalism teacher (Hattie M Steinberg), whom Friedman admired enormously and owes a lot to.

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