Friday, November 11, 2011

140 Characters

I was lucky enough to be featured in Chris Floyd's excellent 140 Characters exhibition recently.  A great night was had by all who went to the opening night of the exhibition (still on until 17th November).  

Chris Floyd is one of the nicest people you could ever hope to meet and a brilliant photographer.  He's been lucky enough to travel the world and photograph some famous faces, so I feel honoured to have had him take my photo too - FOR FREE!  How cool and generous is that?

There's been some negativity about those that took park in this, that we're part of the "twitterati" or some bullshit clique.  Utter crap.  Twitter is YOURS, you follow who you enjoy seeing in your timeline.  I like to interact a lot, I'm proactive, I get involved - I'm like this offline too.  I'm on far too many local community groups, or helping friends with their local businesses, for my own good.  But I enjoy it.  I get pleasure out of it and so do others.  That's also how twitter works for me: it gives me pleasure.  So don't grumble, get involved.

Here's my pic and accompanying text. Apparently I do this pose a lot when I laugh.
@WH1SKS, @debsa and @themanwhofell

"I'd seen @PoppyD talk about the Twitter Portrait project on her feed, but didn't think that "normals" could get involved, but me and @WH1SKS spoke about it and he passed on Chris' details - he was glad to have us both on board.  We scheduled our "shoot" to follow on from Greg's (aka @themanwhofell) so that we could kill two birds with one stone and catch up with him. This resulted in him muscling in our slot, which was a lot of fun - as you can see from the picture of all three of us.  

Whilst Chris was clicking away (technical term), Greg was asking Rich (@WH1SKS) if he shaved his chest or if he waxed it. Most surreal.  He uses an electric razor, if you're curious too.  The whole experience was wonderful, very entertaining and I felt totally at ease.  Chris also let us keep our clothes on, which made a nice change. 

Twitter is a great thing/place/experience but only to those that are "in it" (I don't mean this in a cliquey way).  I'm often met with blank looks when I talk to non-twitter types about tw1tterband or a cheese survey I once did.  I'm grateful for being a part of twitter, its ability to make me laugh out loud, cry or learn something new never ceases to amaze. Vive Le Twitter!

I'm now almost 3 stone lighter than I am in that photo.  It wasn't anything Chris said; he was very nice.  I don't like celery."

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