Let's all write a poem! I'll post your contributions here.
From @weespekky
Not Cluedo or Ludo, but Nintendo.
From @angryplumber
I'd love to have sex,
With Becks,
Whilst sniffing his,
Dirty kecks.
From @the_hux
Queenio cokeio who's got the ballio now no one plays outside?
Who's coming out and who's in goal you or me?
Hide and seek the kids in streets, manhunt for the older boys.
Let's play tip or off the ground give the parks a childhood sound. British bulldog one, two, free.
From @judwa
The silver balls are glistening upon the coloured rods, settled, so content like little peas in pods.
Me - I anticipate my move, my heart a little sunk.
I slide the rod .... the balls drop down.
I'm rubbish at Kerrplunk!
From @nicky_t ... a haiku!
I love playing games
But don’t feel the need to win
Taking part is enough
From @spallerina
I like scrabble
There are letters and stuff
It is very fun
I am a champion
From @DavieLegend
In pubs and bars around the world, and even on the bus,
There is a game that brings such joy, it is a nightly must.
It needs a man to start it off, but girls can join the fun
A simple choice, this or that, you must decide on one.
So gentlemen, pull down your zip, and stick your fingers in.
Have a rummage round down there and pull out a bit of skin.
Careful now, don’t be too brash, retain some mystery.
Don't expose your whole package, just enough for them to see.
Dick or Bollock, Dick or Bollock, it’s easy and it’s free.
Dick or Bollock, Dick or Bollock, which one will it be?
From @talktoteens
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
But he'll do better in his GCSEs
The dullard.
From @mightytonka
I like to play games; I like to win;
I don't like to lose;
I like to win;
I never cheat, but;
I like to win;
If I lose I may sulk, cos;
I like to win;
Is there a prize for this?;
I like to win
From @diaryofaledger
When I think of games
I don’t think of sport
I think of a PS3
And a USB port
Call of Duty
Or Pro Evo
On the sofa you’ll find me
Eating something to go
It might not be healthy
Or in anyway good for me
But nothing tops the feeling
Of beating AT
From @philthD
quit playing games with my heart
it doesn't understand the rules
and when you explain them
you keep leaving out important aspects
until you need them to win
quit playing games with my heart
it's neither round enough
nor robust enough
to be a suitable ball substitute
quit playing games with my heart
it isn't square enough to be a die
nor small enough to be a counter
nor flat enough to be the board
quit playing games with my heart
or if not
at least let it win occasionally
From @diaryofaledger
When I think of games
I don’t think of sport
I think of a PS3
And a USB port
Call of Duty
Or Pro Evo
On the sofa you’ll find me
Eating something to go
It might not be healthy
Or in anyway good for me
But nothing tops the feeling
Of beating AT
From @philthD
quit playing games with my heart
it doesn't understand the rules
and when you explain them
you keep leaving out important aspects
until you need them to win
quit playing games with my heart
it's neither round enough
nor robust enough
to be a suitable ball substitute
quit playing games with my heart
it isn't square enough to be a die
nor small enough to be a counter
nor flat enough to be the board
quit playing games with my heart
or if not
at least let it win occasionally
My favourite is by @Spallerina... Absolute genius.